The Swedish concert organist Bengt Tribukait is where the Loburger Kahrling organ modern game art Ligeti continued on the old organ is our lifestyle
by Stephen Zechendorf
Roland Theuring supported Bengt Tribukait at the Ligeti-addition in the operation manuals of the Kahrling organ. The Loburger Kahrling organ – after more than 300 years old – discovered in her old age their suitability to modern music. The Swedish organist Bengt Tribukait elicited the Loburger “queen of musical instruments’ sounds even avant-garde composer György Ligeti. Loburg l long time dominated at the Loburger organ summers, the classical and well-known organ sounds time-honored composers. But more and more sound and modern pieces on the instrument. Already in the previous concerts with the organist Thomas Lennartz (Dresden) and Dr. Tim Rishton (Norway) had the performing musicians in the Loburger St. Lawrence’s Church the historic instrument in the context of this year’s summer organ elicits decidedly modern tones. And that wanted to beat the previous Sunday the away Bengt Tribukait course somehow. Roswitha Müllhaupt thanked on behalf of the audience at Bengt Tribukait with an organ calendar. And then trust the Stockholm Concert Organist and Loburger Altkantor Roland Theuring to provide to the end of the Sunday concert a bold addition. Should be sounded the “harmonies” of György Sándor Ligeti. Likely that this additional offer not take place without any explanations, also knew the organizer of the Loburger Organ Summer, Roland Theuring. And so he told the unfortunately too few listeners of the day, György Sándor Ligeti that – an Austrian composer Romanian-Hungarian Jewish origin- is known as one of the major composers of the 20th century and an innovator of new music. Instead of single tones Ligeti sat on soundscapes. And this could be to make excellent on the Loburger organ. To this end, the organist served Tribukait the help of Theuring. For in the piece by Ligeti it is – in the middle during the game – to pull the manuals of the organ again and again to close. More, the piece begins with the hiring of the bellows, but the produced sounds only, and ends with the power is turned off. The latter provides over several seconds or longer for a ghostly sounding lamentation, to the impressive instrument fades away completely. Stiff manuals come Ligeti against “The stiff manuals allow a good game of this piece,” praised Bengt Tribukait the suitability of the venerable Loburger instrument for the avant-garde music of György Ligeti. “Where would we be today if it had not always been musicians who have set new musical impulses in their time?” Asked Altkantor Theuring. With this very impressive experiment ended on Sunday a concert that was otherwise characterized by more classical pieces. At the hearing including works by Buxtehude, Bach and Schumann, but also Giovanni de Macque, who in his work time (died. 1,614) came also as a pioneer and innovator of that music has been considered.